Attacker Ghost Stories: Mostly Free Defenses That Gives Attackers Nightmares

RVAsec 3

Presented by: mubix
Date: Thursday June 05, 2014
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Richmond Salons

This talk was originally titled “I’m tired of defenders crying”, but thought better of it. This talk is about the tidbits that I’ve seen piecemeal across the multitude of businesses big and small that were innovated and highly effective, yet free, or mostly free and stopped me dead in my tracks.

Going over 4 free, or nearly free methods, tactics, and software setups that will cut down intrusions significantly that you can deploy or start deployment of the hour after the talk is done.


Mubix is a Senior Red Teamer. His professional experience starts from his time on active duty as United States Marine. He has worked with devices and software that run gambit in the security realm. He has a few certifications, but the titles that he holds above the rest is FATHER, HUSBAND and United States Marine. mubix / Hak5

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